For us, it all begins and ends with the land.

Red Delicious
Golden Delicious
Pink Lady
Cosmic Crisp
Granny Smith

When you buy from Congdon Orchards, you’re not only buying from a grower committed to delivering fruit the way you need it. You’re also buying into a tradition grounded in a place like nowhere else on Earth - a way of doing business that has changed little in more than 100 years.
When planting apple trees, we clear a 4-foot area of weeds, soak the dry roots, and space the trees according to rootstock. We dig a hole twice the root system’s width, spread the roots, and cover it soil. Fertilizing is avoided at planting to prevent root damage. Graft union is 4 inches above soil, and dwarf trees are supported if needed.
We regularly water young apple trees to establish strong roots. Mulch is refreshed but kept away from the trunk to prevent rot and rodents. We train the trees develop sturdy branches and support dwarf varieties. Pest control is analyzed and used wisely, depending on variety and climate.
Apples must be diligently cared for and pruned throughout their growing process. Harvest times vary depending on variety, but we typically pick between August and October. When their background color turns from green, we gently remove them from the branch to be ready to pack.

Our pear trees are planted in early spring in a sunny location with well-drained soil and good air circulation. We space standard trees 20 to 25 feet apart and dwarf trees 12 to 15 feet apart.
We water the young pear trees during dry periods to help establish roots and a small amount of fertilizer is applied early in the year. We monitor this process and adjust based on tree growth and soil fertility.
We harvest the pears when they are mature but still firm, which allows them to ripen at room temperature. Mature trees will produce more fruit in a short window so they are monitored regularly. We store the pears in cold storage for up to 8 months.
Pears are packed in our organic certified, state-of-the-art pear packing warehouse designed to pack 1 million boxes a season with a single shift. We are committed to food safety and maintain GFSI recognized food safety standards.
Cherry trees need about 6 hours of sunlight each day so we plant them in a sunny location with good air circulation. They thrive in deep, well-draining soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Sweet cherries are spaced 35 to 40 feet apart and tart cherries 20 to 25 feet apart. We plant these in late fall or early spring.
The care for sour and sweet cherries is the same. We place mulch around the tree to retain moisture. The fruit is protected with netting, watered regularly, and pruned in late winter to encourage growth. We fertilize the cherry trees with low-nitrogen fertilizer in early spring to ensure proper growth.
We harvest cherries when they are fully ripe - with a dark red, black, or yellow color. We carefully remove the cherries to avoid damaging the tree, preserving its ability to grow fruit for years to come.

We choose a sturdy trellis for hops, which can grow over 25 feet. Planting in spring after the last frost, allows 120 frost-free days for our crops by the second year. Using well-drained soil enriched with compost, and spacing rhizomes 3 feet apart with buds up. We water deeply and mulch lightly to best manage weeds.
In the first year of growing hops we lightly water to establish roots and ensure good drainage. We then select 2 to 6 bins per hill to train on support and prune unused bines to promote growth. Our flower cones will then be ready for harvest in late summer.
A season's end, we bury healthy bottom bines to propagate new plants. In spring, we dig them up, cut them into 4-inch pieces with a bud, and plant them. We harvest our hops in late summer by checking flower cones for dryness. We dry cut bines on the ground for support, then finish their drying on screens in the sun or a well-ventilated room.